Cervical Cancer


The Ultimate Guide to Cancer: DIY Research

This guide from Ralph Moss, PhD, BCCT advisor and leading chronicler of integrative cancer treatments, shows you how to use four of the main tools that doctors use to decide on the best cancer treatments. It will help you learn why some cancer treatments that look good in clinical trials may not work for “real world” patients. It will help you answer two questions that the doctor may be hesitant to answer in the detail you need to decide about treatment:

  • What are my chances of actually living longer if I take your treatment?
  • What are the likely side effects, and how long will they last?

Our goal is to help you live as well as you can for as long as you can using the optimal combination of conventional, complementary and integrative therapies and approaches. Here you'll find resources for cervical cancer. You can also use the search box in the upper right corner of every page or go to Search Therapy Summaries and search for your cancer.

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Integrative Approaches and Surgery

Surgery may be part of the recommended treatment for this cancer type. We provide helpful information about how integrative approaches can coordinate with surgery on our Integrative Approaches and Surgery page.

A starting place for the science and conventional therapies:

Integrative Care in Cervical Cancer

A 2018 article in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine provides an excellent overview of integrative therapies: Integrative medicine for female patients with gynecologic cancer.1 BCCT highly recommends this information source. We will create our own summary with more information soon.

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Integrative Programs, Protocols and Medical Systems

For more information about programs and protocols, see our Integrative Programs and Protocols page.
  • Programs and protocols
    • Alschuler & Gazella complementary approaches2
    • McKinney protocols:3
      • Cervical cancer
      • Vulval cancer

Advocacy and Support Groups

National Comprehensive Cancer Network: Advocacy and Support Groups; select gynecologic cancer or another topic of interest from the dropdown menu.

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