Colorectal Cancer












Quick ReferenceUpdated February 2021: Open a 2-page quick reference summary of the therapies best supported by evidence for use with colorectal cancer: |
Key Points
Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS, BCCT Senior Researcher Ms. Pole is an oncology clinical nurse specialist who has been providing integrative oncology clinical care, navigation, consultation and education services for more than 30 years. View profile.
Ms. Hepp is a science researcher and communicator who has been writing and editing educational content on varied health topics for more than 20 years. View profile. Reviewer
Barry D. Elson, MD, BCCT Advisor Dr. Elson has been practicing and teaching integrative medicine for more than 40 years. View profile. Last updated September 3, 2021. |
Colorectal cancer is a term used to include several types of cancers of the colon and/or rectum. Common types of colorectal cancers:1
- Adenocarcinomas of the colon and rectum
- Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors
- Primary colorectal lymphomas
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumors
- Leiomyosarcomas
- Melanomas of the colon or rectum
The evidence presented here for screening, diagnosis, treatment and reducing risk relates to carcinomas, of which the great majority are adenocarcinomas. The other cancer types are much less common, and behave quite differently.
Colorectal cancer begins when healthy cells in the lining of the colon or rectum change and grow out of control. These cells form a mass called a tumor, which can be cancerous or benign. A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body. A benign tumor can grow but will not spread. These changes usually take years to develop.2
Colorectal Cancer: Signs, Symptoms and ScreeningSigns and symptoms from the American Cancer Society:3
Because colorectal cancers can bleed into the intestinal tract, signs of anemia may also be an early indicator of colorectal cancer. Signs of anemia:
A rectal or abdominal mass is also a possible sign The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for all adults aged 50 to 75. Colorectal cancer screening strategies include stool tests, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy). Those with an increased risk may need to be tested earlier than age 50 or more often than other people. Increased risk factors:
Also see the QCancer®(15yr,colorectal) risk calculator. |
Of cancers that affect both men and women, colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States. It is most often found in people who are 50 years old or older.4 However, incidence is increasing in younger adults and declining in older age groups.5
There are many possible reasons for the fewer early-stage diagnoses in adults under 50, such as these:
- Younger adults may be less likely to report symptoms promptly or to have medical insurance than older adults, which may lead to initial diagnosis at a later stage.6
- Younger adults may also present more often with symptoms outside the national referral guidelines, leading to fewer prompt referrals for colorectal cancer assessment.7
Early detection, allowing for early treatment, is very important with colorectal cancer. Treatment is often most effective in small localized cancer. When the cancer is diagnosed in advanced stages, it is often not operable, which often means a lower chance of survival.8 Suggestions for detecting cancer early:
- Follow all screening guidelines, such as from What Should I Know About Screening? from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (also see at right).
- If you have a family history or any symptoms of colorectal cancer, ask your physician about more aggressive screening.
See a list of colorectal cancer signs and symptoms in a sidebar.
Integrative Care in Colorectal Cancer
Before investigating integrative care in colorectal cancer, we recommend reviewing integrative cancer care in general.
Our goal is to help you live as well as you can for as long as you can. We provide information about using an optimal integrative combination of conventional and complementary therapies and approaches. In this handbook, we present a wide range of complementary therapies that have been studied for their effectiveness in colorectal cancer.
We give a brief description of what’s known about these therapies. We also group natural products and off-label and novel therapies (which we call ONCAs) according to safety, effectiveness and ease of access.
We consider the cancer within the context of the whole person. Cancers are composed of cells that divide without stopping. Some divide slowly, others quickly. Some are more invasive than others. But they don’t act independently of everything going on in your body.
Your body terrain—the internal environment that is influenced by external factors such as the foods you eat, the chemicals you contact, light and radiation you’re exposed to, plus internal factors such as stress hormones, sex hormones, your fitness, feelings of being loved and your sense of purpose—can set the stage for whether cancer will grow and thrive. Will the cancer find the chemical and biological terrain that promotes growth or not? You have more control over this than you may realize.
Your body terrain can influence the tumor microenvironment—the biochemical and physical interaction of cancerous and noncancerous cells. The microenvironment makes the cancer either more or less likely to grow and spread. (See Body Terrain and the Tumor Microenvironment.) You may be able to improve your body terrain with an integrative approach.
A 2018 article in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine provides an excellent overview of integrative therapies: Integrative treatment for colorectal cancer: a comprehensive approach.9
Healing and Curing
Many of the integrative approaches in this handbook promote healing, which is not the same as curing. Healing is an inner process through which a person becomes whole. Healing can take place at physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. An example of physical healing is when a surgical incision heals.
A cure is a successful medical treatment that removes all evidence of disease and allows the person who previously had cancer to live as long as he or she would have lived without cancer. For any cure to work, your healing power must be sufficient to enable recovery. Healing goes beyond curing and may happen whether or not the cancer is cured. Although the capacity to heal physically is necessary to any successful cure, healing can also take place on deeper levels, whether or not physical recovery occurs.
Whether or not your colorectal cancer is curable, healing is always possible and may provide these benefits:
- Slow the cancer’s growth and spread
- Improve survival
- Reduce the risk of recurrence
- Alleviate symptoms and side effects
- Improve your overall well-being
Healing will help you feel whole regardless of how cancer may change your body or your life.
Use the information you find here to guide your choices in healing. Share this information with your cancer care team. We provide the evidence to date behind the therapies, and we group natural products and ONCAs—off-label, overlooked and novel cancer approaches—by their safety and strength of evidence to make it easier for your team to discern the best options for you and your specific situation.
Learn More
Integrative Approaches and SurgerySurgery may be part of the recommended treatment for this cancer type. We provide helpful information about how integrative approaches can coordinate with surgery below in the section titled Surgery and Colorectal Cancer. |
We recommend these resources to introduce you to conventional therapies and the science behind them:
- National Cancer Institute:
- Colorectal Cancer
Knowing how your cancer behaves will influence the type of testing and treatment used, prepare you for possible treatment side effects and guide you in steps to prevent or minimize these effects. It will help you understand and choose the complementary therapies and lifestyle approaches that may enhance your conventional treatment, manage side effects and improve your quality of your life.
You can also prepare your home team for what to expect. You can plan ahead to line up the support you may need. You can anticipate side effects and work to minimize them even before treatment starts. Finally, learning what to expect allows you to prepare mentally and spiritually to catalyze your resilience for facing the weeks and months to come.
You may read “the five-year survival for this cancer is X percent.” That means that this percentage of people survive at least five years. But expected survival doesn’t show the range of survival—which can vary from months to decades. We know many people who have lived far beyond the expectation. Getting healthier with cancer—and skillful use of conventional and complementary therapies—may help extend your life. It will very likely improve the quality of your life. There is nothing wrong with hope.
Clinical Practice Guidelines
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network:
- Professional Guidelines (Login required):
- Guidelines for Patients:
- American Society of Clinical Oncology: Gastrointestinal Cancer
Screening Guidelines
For Health Professionals: Surveillance ScheduleRecommended schedule of surveillance for colon and rectal cancer (AJCC stage I (at increased risk for recurrencea), stage II, stage III, and stage IV (when isolated metastases are resected for cure)10 Colon
Notes and DefinitionsAJCC = American Joint Committee on Cancer
- Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians: Screening for Colorectal Cancer in Asymptomatic Average-Risk Adults: A Guidance Statement From the American College of Physicians (2019)
- British Medical Journal: Colorectal cancer screening with faecal immunochemical testing, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy: a clinical practice guideline (2019)
- The American College of Gastroenterology: ACG Clinical Guidelines: Colorectal Cancer Screening 2021
Guidelines following Curative Treatment
- Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons: Practice guideline for the surveillance of patients after curative treatment of colon and rectal cancer
Other Professional Recommendations
The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends initiating low-dose (81 mg) aspirin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and colorectal cancer in adults aged 50 to 59 years who have a 10 percent or greater 10-year CVD risk, are not at increased risk for bleeding, have a life expectancy of at least 10 years, and are willing to take low-dose aspirin daily for at least 10 years.11 Use is not recommended for others, as risks from taking aspirin may outweigh benefits. Even those not at risk may experience catastrophic gastrointestinal bleeding.
Examples of Integrative Approaches
Bastyr Integrative Oncology Research Center (BIORC)
Between 2009 and 2014, 704 cancer patients were enrolled in an observational study at Bastyr Integrative Oncology Research Center (BIORC). Cancer types included lung, breast, ovarian, colon, pancreatic, brain and skin cancers. One-third of those patients had advanced cancer. BIORC used intravenous (IV) high-dose vitamin C, IV artesunate, oral curcumin, green tea and turkey tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor).12
Preliminary results reported in 2013 from the BIORC are promising, as reported by BIORC's medical director and BCCT advisor Leanna J. Standish, PhD, ND, LAc, FABNO: “For eight patients with stage 4 colon cancer, BIORC reported an 80 percent survival rate after three years, compared with 15 percent from a group at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.”13
"Our patients are doing better than national averages," says Dr. Standish, a professor at Bastyr University and the University of Washington. "We don't know why. Maybe they would have done better, or maybe there's something about our treatment."
Similarly, of 12 BIORC patients with stage 4 lung cancer, 64 percent were alive after three years, compared with 15 percent from Seattle Cancer Care and three percent from a national data group. Limitations in most data sets make exact comparisons difficult.
Life Over Cancer System
The Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment (BCICT), founded by integrative oncologist and BCCT advisor Keith Block, MD, offers a comprehensive cancer treatment program combining conventional treatments—often delivered in novel ways, such as according to circadian rhythms—along with nutrition and supplementation, fitness and mind-spirit instruction. The program is highly individualized and provides care to people with any kind of cancer.
Dr. Keith Block reported a case study of a 49-year-old man with colorectal cancer diagnosed in December 2002. Three years post diagnosis, after two surgeries and 12 chemotherapy cycles, he was in remission. In January 2006, he was diagnosed with stage 4 metastases.
Dr. Block prescribed an individualized program to enhance treatment tolerability, reduce treatment toxicity and boost treatment effectiveness through molecular profile testing. The Life Over Cancer program includes these therapies:
- Therapeutic nutrition to boost stamina, counter fatigue and reduce chemotherapy side effects
- Mind-spirit interventions to reduce stress
- Exercise to build strength and fitness
- Chronomodulated chemotherapy via a portable pump which deliversboth chemotherapy drugs and intravenous supplemental nutrients
The patient's outcome:
- He was able to stay active because of the portable pump.
- His scans improved.
- He reported no troubling side effects, and he tolerated the chemotherapy so well he did not need to reduce the dose.
- After seven chronotherapy sessions (five fewer than would have been used conventionally), he showed no evidence of disease (NED).
- As of the writing in 2009, seven years after his original diagnosis and three years after diagnosis of stage 4 metastases, the patient was in complete remission and back at work.
- For comparison, in the USA, colon cancer has a five-year life relative survival rate of 63 percent across all stages, and a 14 percent rate for distant spread (metastases).14
This approach is discussed in detail in a 2018 article, including Block’s use of three spheres of intervention: improving lifestyle, regulating biology, and enhancing treatment.15
Integrative Programs, Protocols and Medical Systems
For more information about programs and protocols, see our Integrative Programs and Protocols page. |
Traditional Medicine TherapiesThroughout this summary, you will find examples of therapies used by, and in many cases created by, traditional medical systems. Foods and herbs such as medicinal mushrooms, soy and curcumin are part of traditional systems. Evidence shows that herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) may help in maintaining immune function in women with ovarian cancer, for comparison. Mind-body practices such as mindfulness meditation and yoga also have roots in these systems. Acupuncture and electroacupuncture, another approach that is part of the Chinese and Korean medicine traditions, is used to relieve many symptoms during and following treatment. Electroacupunture even improved recovery of gastrointestinal function following surgery for colorectal cancer. See details below in Managing Side Effects and Promoting Wellness. |
- Programs and protocols
- Alschuler & Gazella complementary approaches16
- Block program17
- Cohen & Jefferies Mix of Six anticancer practices18
- Lemole, Mehta & McKee colorectal cancer protocol19
- McKinney colorectal cancer protocol20
- Parmar & Kazcor treatment plans21
- Traditional systems
- Ayurveda
- Traditional Chinese medicine22
- Traditional Korean medicine23
Integrative Therapies in Colorectal Cancer
7 Healing Practices: The Foundation
Top 5 Lifestyle Interventions following Colorectal Cancer TreatmentThe authors of After Cancer Care: The Definitive Self-Care Guide to Getting and Staying Well for Patients with Cancer recommend these lifestyle interventions,24 which we’ve matched to the 7 Healing Practices:
Any of the 7 Healing Practices are a good beginning. Eating Well and Moving More pack a powerful one-two punch in potentially improving treatment outcomes, enhancing quality of life and/or reducing risk of recurrence in colorectal cancer. Moreover, evidence shows that Managing Stress, Sleeping Well, Creating a Healing Environment, Sharing Love and Support and Exploring What Matters Now can help patients and survivors. Ultimately, let your intuition guide you in choosing where to start with these healing practices.
Bundling Practices Leads to Better ResultsPeople who followed the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute of Cancer Research recommendations on diet, physical activity, and body fatness prior to a diagnosis of colorectal cancer showed better overall and cancer-specific survival after diagnosis. The more recommendations that were followed, the better the outcomes.25 A 2018 study of almost 1000 colorectal cancer survivors found a 42 percent reduction in death at five years for those who followed the American Cancer Society nutrition and physical activity guidelines most closely, compared to those who followed them least.26 |
Eating Well
Treating the Cancer
Ask for GuidanceA small study of colorectal cancer survivors in the United Kingdom found that most—more than 2/3—reported receiving no nutritional advice from their doctors and care teams.27 We have no reason to believe the situation is much better anywhere else. If your team doesn't provide guidance, ask your doctor for a referral to a dietician or nutritionist who specializes in counseling cancer patients and survivors. Even better, seek out an integrative healthcare provider (medical doctor, ostopathic doctor, naturopath, nurse or physician assistant who practices an integrative approach) if you'd like specific guidance about what to eat to improve your outcomes and manage side effects. |
Some food choices are associated with better or worse survival:
Higher Survival | Lower Survival |
- The association is for colon cancer only; no association was found between processed meat intake and overall survival or disease-free survival for rectal cancer.32
Flax seeds, garlic, green tea and mushrooms and are among the plant foods most commonly used by oncology naturopaths for colorectal cancer.33
An observational study of patients with stage 3 colon cancer treated with surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy found a link between eating two or more weekly servings of tree nuts and improved disease-free survival and overall survival compared to no nut consumption.34
The ability of foods to influence inflammation may also impact survival. A diet with more anti-inflammatory potential improved overall survival among postmenopausal women diagnosed with colorectal cancer.35 Foods and food components with anti-inflammatory properties:
Managing Side Effects and Promoting Wellness
Higher intake of dietary magnesium is associated with less prevalent and less severe chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in colorectal cancer patients.36 Foods high in magnesium include these:37
- Almonds
- Black beans
- Cashews
- Dark chocolate
- Edamame beans
- Peanuts
- Pumpkin seeds
- Soy milk
- Spinach
- Whole-wheat bread or shredded wheat cereal
The Cancer.Net Editorial Board of the American Society of Clinical Oncology recommends a balanced diet that includes specific nutrients such as B vitamins (including B1 and B12, folic acid) and antioxidants (see Antioxidants and Cancer Outcomes below) to reduce pain from peripheral neuropathy. They also recommend reducing alcohol consumption.38
These foods are among those rich in B vitamins:39
- Eggs
- Leafy Greens
- Liver and Other Organ Meats
- Milk
- Salmon
Reducing Risk
Western dietary patterns—such as eating large amounts of processed meats and refined grains and low quantities of vegetables and fruits—has been associated with higher risk of tumor recurrence and mortality in colorectal cancer.40 More than 52,000 new colorectal cancer cases in the United States in 2015 were estimated to be associated with suboptimal diet among US adults.41 The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends a plant-based diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains to lower risk.42
As mentioned above, the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons recommends a balanced diet after curative treatment of colon and rectal cancer.43 One such balanced diet—the Mediterranean diet, and specifically its components olive oil, red wine, and tomatoes—is associated with clinically reduced cancer initiation and progression.44
Strong evidence shows these associations between food choices and risk of colorectal cancer or recurrence:
Lower Risk | Higher Risk |
From many sources45
From many sources46
- Some evidence shows that fiber’s benefit may involve the gut microbiome.47
- Some evidence of reduced risk in men but not women48
A large study concluded that a moderate reduction in fat consumption did not reduce the risk of invasive colorectal cancer in postmenopausal women during more than eight years of follow-up.49
Studies and expert assessments have further concluded that these foods and dietary choices may also lower risk of developing colorectal cancer or recurrence of adenomas:50
- Foods containing vitamin C, found in peppers, parsley, kale, kiwis, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lemons, strawberries, oranges and other foods
- Fish
- Non-starchy vegetables such as dark green and leafy vegetables
- Fruit
- Foods rich in folate (Healthline), such as legumes (lentils, peas and dried beans), asparagus, eggs, leafy greens and other foods
- Poultry, fish or legumes (dried beans, lentils and peas) instead of red meat
- Food with anti-inflammatory components (see the list above), including flavonols (such as quercetin) and vitamin D
Although early investigations suggested a protective effect of high intake of raw and/or cooked garlic against colorectal cancer,51 more recent analyses show no protective effect.52
Researchers evaluating the evidence across 80 meta-analyses of interventional and observational studies of colorectal cancer prevention found no evidence of a protective effect for tea, coffee, fish and soy products.53
Evidence shows that these foods may increase risk of colorectal cancer:
- Foods containing heme iron (red meat, chicken and fish) might increase the risk of colorectal cancer.54
- Foods with a high dietary inflammatory index:55
- Red and processed meats
- Refined carbohydrates
- Fried foods
- Sugar-sweetened beverages
- Margarine, shortening and lard
Prospective randomized trials have not shown that antioxidant supplements prevent colorectal adenoma or carcinomas.56
B Vitamins
Higher dietary intakes of folate and riboflavin (vitamin B2) are associated with decreased risk.57 Eating foods higher in vitamin B12 was also associated with lower risk.58 and with an overall low-risk diet and lifestyle in a population at high risk for colorectal cancer.59 Good sources of these nutrients:60
Folate | Riboflavin | Vitamin B12 |
a. See recommendations about eggs in the Commentary section below.
Unlike the B vitamins listed above, dietary intake of vitamin B6 shows mixed results:
- Reducing risk of colorectal cancer in some studies61
- Higher serum levels of vitamin B6 was associated with reduced risk in 50- to 69-year-old men.62
- A large meta-analysis found a slight decrease in colorectal cancer risk associated with the higher level of vitamin B6 intake. This decrease was not statistically significant, and dietary intake was not separated from supplement use.63
- Dietary B6 intake greatly increased risk of rectal cancer in women in one study.64
- A large study of US women aged 45 years or more found that dietary intakes of folate and vitamin B6 were associated with lower colorectal cancer risk only among women who were not taking supplements containing folate and vitamin B6.65
The takeaway with vitamin B6 is that its impact on colorectal cancer risk is uncertain. Benefits may apply only to specific groups or specific cancer types. To date, no compelling evidence suggests that the presence of vitamin B6 should be a priority in your dietary choices.
Calcium and Magnesium
- Higher intake of calcium in drinking water reduces risk of incidence and death from colon cancer.66
- Higher intake of dietary magnesium reduces risk of colorectal cancer, especially colon cancer.67
- With higher intake of magnesium or higher calcium-to-magnesium ratios, risk is also reduced for colorectal adenoma, but only in people with specific genes (genotypes).68
Fiber feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut, and so is considered a prebiotic. Fiber is fermented by intestinal microorganisms into short-chain fatty acids, the most abundant of which is butyrate. Butyrate is necessary for normal metabolism but is not derived directly from food—it has to be created by bacteria fermenting fiber. Patients with colorectal cancer tend to have lower levels of butyrate-producing bacteria than other people.
Butyrate may be a reason that fiber is connected to colorectal cancer prevention. Butyrate is selectively transported into the lining of the colon, where it is used by normal colon cells for much of their energy needs. However, in cancer cells it accumulates in parts of the cell where its action is to suppress cell growth, induce cell death (apoptosis) and promote differentiation. In cell studies, butyrate inhibits colorectal cancer cell growth.69
Optimizing Your Terrain
Beneficial Foods
- Butyrate (from fiber, see above) is a potent anti-inflammatory. It lessens inflammation related to colitis in both rodents and humans.70
- Green tea consumption decreased fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) concentrations.71
- Cocoa is antioxidative and anti-inflammatory72
Foods to Avoid
- Diets high in cholesterol (WebMD) are linked to increased inflammation.73
See Eating Well.
Moving More
Treating the Cancer
Participating in regular physical activity reduces mortality:
- Reduced risk of colorectal cancer-specific mortality or overall mortality with any physical activity, with even lower risk with high levels of physical activity after diagnosis74
- People diagnosed with colorectal cancer who are at high levels of fitness had an 89 percent decreased risk of all-cause mortality75
- Each 15 MET-hours (metabolic equivalent task-hours) per week increase in physical activity after colorectal cancer diagnosis was associated with a 35 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer–specific mortality.76 Fifteen MET-hours per week is represented by any one of these activities:77
- 5 hours of general housecleaning, or
- 3½-4 hours of very brisk walking (4 miles per hour), or
- 3½-4 hours of moderate bicycling (10 to 12 miles per hour), or
- 2 to 2½ hours of singles tennis
Managing Side Effects and Promoting Wellness
Physical activity benefits some side effects and overall quality of life:
Quality of Life
- Survivors who met recommendations for physical activity reported higher health-related quality of life compared to those not meeting recommendations.78
- Physical activity directly related to improved physical function in older, long-term colorectal cancer survivors.79
- Physical activity was associated with higher total quality of life score, physical well-being, functional well-being, and other measures of quality of life.80
- Colorectal cancer survivors meeting Canadian public health exercise guidelines reported clinically and significantly better quality of life.81
- An exercise intervention among recently surgically resected colorectal cancer survivors found improved quality of life.82
- Previously active individuals who fail to reinitiate exercise after cancer treatment experience the lowest quality of life one to four years later compared to those who maintain activity, temporary relapsers and nonexercisers.83
- Colorectal cancer survivors meeting Canadian public health exercise guidelines reported clinically and significantly reduced fatigue.84
- Physical exercise has a positive effect on fatigue among cancer patients.85
Sleep Disturbance
- While evidence shows that physical activity does promote better sleep87 sleep disturbance among colorectal cancer patients coming off first-line treatment was not improved by either an increase in exercise or a level of physical activity at or above American College of Sports Medicine's guidelines.88
Reducing Risk
The Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons recommends regular exercise after curative treatment of colon and rectal cancer.89
Strong evidence shows that being physically active decreases the risk of colon cancer. Evidence is not conclusive regarding rectal cancer.90
- Those with high fitness showed a substantially decreased risk of incident colorectal cancer.91
- A large 2019 analysis found that engaging in 7.5 to 15 MET-hours per week (about 2.25 to 4.5 hours of brisk walking) was associated with a lower risk of colon cancer in men, as well as other types of cancer.92
See Moving More.
Managing Stress
Reducing Risk
Higher perceived stress is associated with increased risk of rectal cancer, but not colon cancer.93
See Managing Stress.
Sleeping Well
Treating the Cancer
Sleep duration and timing may impact survival:
- Short sleep duration (less than 5 hours per night) before diagnosis was associated with a 36 percent higher risk of all-cause mortality and a 54 percent increase in colorectal cancer mortality among colorectal cancer survivors.94
- Napping one hour or more per day before diagnosis was associated with significantly higher total and cardiovascular disease mortality but not colorectal cancer mortality.95 Colorectal cancer patients sleeping two or more hours during the day had a significantly increased risk of all-cause mortality compared to individuals with no daytime sleep.96 Keep in mind, however, that this does not mean that napping caused greater mortality. It's very possible that those who were already sicker needed to nap more, or that napping indicated disturbed nighttime sleep, and these underlying conditions contributed to greater mortality.
Circadian disruption—activity during sleeping hours and a lack of restful sleep—during chronomodulated chemotherapy is associated with shorter overall survival:
- The rest/activity rhythm was a strong predictor of both tumor response and survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: patients with the poorest circadian rhythms had a five-fold higher risk of dying within two years than the patients with better circadian rhythms.97
- Patients with a disturbed circadian rhythm survived an average of 14.7 months compared to 22.3 months for patients with a robust circadian rhythm.98
- If a patient’s circadian rhythms are disrupted by chemotherapy, chronomodulated therapy may not be as effective. Chemotherapy-induced fatigue and weight loss—both of which are related to poor sleep quality—early in therapy may impair the benefits of chonomodulated therapy on survival and time to progression.99 The researchers suggest monitoring patients to detect early chemotherapy-induced circadian disruption. This will allow for adjustments in chronotherapy to improve safety and effectiveness.
Managing Side Effects and Promoting Wellness
Patients with restful sleep, as measured by clear distinctions between period of rest and of activity, had better quality of life and reported significantly less fatigue than patients with disrupted sleep. Disrupted circadian rhythms led to worse chemotherapy-related symptoms as well as patients’ perception of them.100
Sleep disturbance was associated with anxiety and fatigue among colorectal cancer survivors.101
Reducing Risk
The Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons recommends regular sleep after curative treatment of colon and rectal cancer.102
- A 2014 review concluded that maintaining a regular and adequate daily amount of sleep reduces risk of colorectal cancer.103 However, long sleep duration—sleeping nine or more hours per night—is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer (but does not necessarily cause increased risk).104
- An extensive meta-analysis did not find an overall association between ever-exposure to night-shift work and the risk of colorectal cancer.105
Improving Sleep
Interventions recommended by integrative oncologist and BCCT advisor Dr. Keith Block to improve circadian rhythms and sleep for cancer patients:106
- Develop routine sleep habits.
- Get exposure to early morning bright light.
- Dispel incorrect notions about sleep.
- Keep your bedroom cool and dark.
- Supplement with melatonin.
- Consider cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia, which is effective for sleep problems in most cancers.
See Sleeping Well for more information.
Creating a Healing Environment
Reducing Risk
Several environmental exposures are associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer:107
- 1,1-dichloroethane (ToxFAQs™) used in industrial manufacturing of other chemicals, as a solvent for cleaning and degreasing, and in the manufacture of plastic wrap, adhesives, and synthetic fiber
- Alachlor (Beyond Pesticides), an herbicide
- Aromatic amines (Comprehensive Toxicology)
- Chlorination byproducts (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Ionizing radiation (World Health Organization)
- Nitrates in water (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Solvents (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Chemicals formed during food processing—nitrosamines, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons—may also be related to increased risk of colorectal cancer.108
See Creating a Healing Environment.
Sharing Love and Support
Managing Side Effects and Promoting Wellness
In a systematic review, emotional support and reassurance when trying to deal with fear of cancer recurrence featured as the most prominent supportive care need of colorectal cancer patients, regardless of clinical stage or phase of treatment.109
Evidence of the impact of social support on quality of life and symptoms:
- Lower levels of social support were correlated with higher levels of psychological distress among middle-aged colorectal cancer patients and their healthy spouses.110
- In patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer, greater social support, as well as improvements in insomnia and in physical, cognitive, and social functioning, improved anxiety and depression 12 months after surgery.111
- Greater perceived social support and resilience was associated with greater posttraumatic growth (positive change experienced as a result of the struggle with a major life crisis or a traumatic event) in colorectal cancer survivors with permanent intestinal ostomies.112
- Poorer quality of life outcomes (generic health-related quality of life, reduced well-being, anxiety, and depression) were significantly associated with lower levels of social support up to two years after surgery to cure colorectal cancer.113
Clinicians are encouraged to be “aware of situations that might necessitate intervention of other professionals, either medical or pastoral. Attention to psychosocial events is an integral part of a comprehensive oncologic program to facilitate patients and families to live in an atmosphere of peace and dignity.”114
Reducing Risk
Greater social support is related to greater engagement with colorectal cancer screening among Americans of African descent. Social support is also related to informed decision making about colorectal cancer screening among African American men in particular.115
Exploring What Matters Now
Managing Side Effects and Promoting Wellness
Making sense of the cancer experience was identified as a core theme affecting quality of life issues for colorectal cancer patients.116
See Exploring What Matters Now.
Beyond the 7 Healing Practices: Further Integrative Therapies
The Ultimate Guide to Cancer: DIY ResearchThis guide from Ralph Moss, PhD, BCCT advisor and leading chronicler of integrative cancer treatments, shows you how to use four of the main tools that doctors use to decide on the best cancer treatments. It will help you learn why some cancer treatments that look good in clinical trials may not work for “real world” patients. It will help you answer key questions that the doctor may be hesitant to answer in the detail you need to decide about treatment:
Also see The Moss Reports for comprehensive guidance on treating colorectal cancer. |
Conventional treatments are readily available. Complementary therapies can be useful to enhance conventional treatment effects, improve quality of life and possibly even extend life for those with colorectal cancer. Many complementary therapies―when chosen thoughtfully, reviewed with your oncology treatment team and used alongside conventional therapies—can become part of your integrative cancer care approach.
Therapies are grouped according to their effects:
- Treating the cancer
- Managing side effects and promoting wellness
- Reducing risk
- Optimizing Your Terrain
We present natural products in six groups:
- Good clinical evidence of efficacy & safety, easy access
- Good clinical evidence of efficacy & safety, limited access
- Limited clinical evidence of efficacy but good safety, used in leading integrative programs
- Limited clinical evidence of efficacy, or significant cautions, but potential significant benefit
- Especially promising preclinical or emerging clinical evidence of efficacy and safety
- Evidence of no efficacy or may be dangerous
Off-label, overlooked and novel cancer approaches (ONCAs) are grouped separately:
- Group A: Good clinical evidence of efficacy
- Group B: Limited clinical evidence of efficacy
- Group C: Promising preclinical evidence only
- Group D: Evidence of no efficacy or may be dangerous
Within each section, we list only groups containing applicable therapies.
Other integrative therapies and approaches are described but not categorized. See the full summaries as linked for more information on each of these therapies.
Treating the Cancer
Avoiding Drug Interactions during TreatmentPotentially life-threatening interactions between drugs are possible. For example, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can increase the risk for progression in colorectal cancer patients being treated with adjuvant CAPOX (capecitabine with oxaliplatin) or FOLFOX (leucovorin calcium [folinic acid], fluorouracil, and oxaliplatin). PPIs have a significant effect on both progression-free and overall survival. Experts conclude that “it is better to avoid PPIs during chemotherapy for colorectal and gastrointestinal tumors,” and avoid polypharmacy (the simultaneous use of multiple drugs to treat a single ailment or condition) whenever possible. From a report on a keynote speech from the ESMO 22nd World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer Virtual Experience in 2020.117 |
Working against cancer growth or spread, improving survival, or working with other treatments or therapies to improve their anticancer action
Conventional Treatments
Conventional treatments for colorectal cancer include these:
- Surgery (also see Surgery and Colorectal Cancer below)
- Radiofrequency ablation
- Cryosurgery
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy
- Targeted therapy
- Immunotherapy
These treatments are explained on the National Cancer Institute website: Colorectal Cancer—Patient Version and Colorectal Cancer—Health Professional Version.
Newer conventional treatments and outcomes:
- Pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) is a relatively new treatment for patients with peritoneal metastases. A 2019 review found an objective clinical response of 71–86 percent for colorectal cancer (median survival of 16 months) with PIPAC. Repeated PIPAC did not have a negative effect on quality of life.118
- Pulsed low-dose rate radiation therapy (PLDR-RT) delivers conventional radiation doses in pulses of small doses with intermittent pauses. A small study involved PLDR-RT for patients with rectal and other cancers of the pelvis. Patients had undergone radiation therapy to the pelvis previously. Twenty-three patients were treated with a curative intent and 15 were treated palliatively. At one year, 59 percent of patients treated for curative intent had a clinical, biochemical or radiographic response, and six of the 23 patients had no evidence of disease at their last follow-up. Among the patients treated palliatively, 61 percent had a clinical or radiographic response.119 This delivery also produces low rates of toxicity, along with reduced damage to noncancerous tissue and decreased repair of DNA damage in tumor cells.
Conventional treatments can be very expensive, and some treatments can cause long-lasting side effects.120 We encourage you to explore the benefits, risks and costs of all options.
Delaying Treatment
Some providers offer a “watch-and-wait” approach for select rectal cancer patients who have had a clinical complete response after neoadjuvant therapy. While this approach has resulted in excellent rectal preservation and pelvic tumor control, a 2019 study found it has also resulted in worse survival and a higher incidence of distant progression in patients with local regrowth compared to those without local regrowth.121 A review and meta-analysis in late 2020 confirmed that delaying colorectal cancer treatment by a month or more increases the risk of dying.122
Factors Influencing the Success of TreatmentCharacteristics of both healthcare providers and the patient can impact the likelihood of success in treatment. A surgeon’s or hospital’s frequency of performing high-risk surgeries can influence treatment outcomes. Surgeons and hospitals that do not perform at least a minimum number of these surgeries every year have a higher likelihood of errors, complications and even death. A 2019 review concluded that the minimum number of rectal cancer surgeries for competence was 16 for a hospital and six for each surgeon.123 Outcomes from all therapies and treatments can be influenced by a patient’s physical and psychosocial situation.124
More on Conventional Treatments
We recommend these resources to introduce you to the science of colorectal cancer and conventional therapies:
- National Cancer Institute:
- Colorectal Cancer
Natural Products
Antioxidants and Cancer OutcomesSubstances that act as antioxidants can have both antitumor and tumor-promoting effects, depending on several factors:125
Many substances can serve as antioxidants and are abundant in these food sources:
Many of these individual antioxidants are also available as dietary supplements. Antioxidants have mixed effects on chemotherapy toxicity, but no trials have assessed long-term effects of antioxidant supplementation during chemotherapy on recurrence or survival. Mixed effects of antioxidants have been seen in reducing toxicity of radiotherapy, although not involving colorectal cancer patients. Observational studies in colorectal cancer patients have found that those taking self-prescribed multivitamins showed neither benefit nor harm regarding toxicity or survival.126 Antioxidants may reduce chemotherapy and radiotherapy toxicity, but they also can make these treatments less effective. The anticancer effects of radiotherapy and certain chemotherapy drugs, including alkylating agents, anthracyclines, podophyllin derivatives, platinum complexes and camptothecins, may come from producing reactive oxygen species and increasing cell death. A 2014 review concluded that accumulating evidence “does not support the widespread use of antioxidants in patients with cancer.”127 Antioxidants have shown little to no effect on reducing risk of colorectal cancer.128 Some evidence shows benefit in reducing recurrence: patients receiving an antioxidant compound of selenium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E were significantly less likely to have an adenoma recurrence.129 Use of tobacco and alcohol is an important consideration when considering antioxidant supplements. One analysis found that supplementation with antioxidants decreased the recurrence of colon adenomas among people who neither smoke nor drink alcohol, but use doubled the risk among participants who smoked and also drank more than one alcoholic drink per day.130 Evidence and cautions regarding eating foods rich in antioxidants are described in Eating Well above, while those related to supplements are listed in the Natural Products sections. |
Group 1: Good clinical evidence of efficacy & safety, easy access
These therapies may be widely used in integrative cancer protocols and traditional medical systems.
Therapy | Notes |
Medicinal mushrooms |
Vitamin D |
Group 3: Limited clinical evidence of efficacy but good safety, used in leading integrative programs
Therapy | Notes |
Astragalus |
Curcumin |
Fermented wheat germ extract |
The effects of drinking tea are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Melatonin |
Mistletoe (European) |
Omega-3 fatty acid supplements The effects of omega-3s in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Resveratrol |
Group 4: Potential significant benefit, but either limited clinical evidence of efficacy or significant cautions
May be used in leading integrative oncology programs. Therapies in this group may need more medical oversight and surveillance.
Therapy | Notes |
Aged garlic extract (CAM Cancer) The effects of garlic in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Combinations of therapies |
L-carnosine (WebMD) |
Vitamin B3 supplements |
Vitamin C supplementation or intravenous use |
Other therapies with preclinical evidence only for treating the cancer |
Group 5: Especially promising preclinical or emerging clinical evidence of efficacy and safety
Therapy | Notes |
Arabinogalactan (WebMD) | |
Grape seed extract | |
Indole-3-carbinol supplements (About Herbs) |
L-glycine (Healthline) |
Probiotics |
Off-label, Overlooked or Novel Cancer Approaches (ONCAs)
These therapies have exciting potential and/or proven benefits. However, some carry higher risks of side effects, interactions with other treatments and other adverse medical events than other therapies we review. Cautions are noted with each therapy, and we strongly urge you to consult your doctor before using these therapies—even over-the-counter drugs—for cancer treatment. We also note whether a prescription is needed or if a therapy is not widely available.
Group A: Good clinical evidence of efficacy
May be used in integrative protocols and programs
Therapy | Notes |
Aspirin |
Chronomodulated therapies |
Metformin |
Statins |
Group B: Limited clinical evidence of efficacy
May be used in integrative protocols and programs
Therapy | Notes |
Artemisinin derivatives and artesunate |
Cimetidine (Tagamet) |
Chloroquine (Medline Plus) |
Copper chelation with tetrathiomolybdate (TM) and other substances |
Nelfinavir (Virocept) (Medline Plus) | |
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) other than aspirin (MedicineNet) |
Rapamycin (sirolimus) |
Group C: Promising preclinical evidence only
Therapy | Notes |
Bisphosphonates (Cancer Research UK), including clodronate (Canada) and zoledronic acid (Reclast, Zometa), |
Diets and Metabolic Therapies
Short-term fasting (noteworthy preclinical evidence)
- As effective as chemotherapy in delaying the progression of a wide range of cancers in animals331
- Reduced tumor progression in mice with complete fasts of one to two days or alternating fasting and non-fasting days332
- Synergistic effect with vitamin C in delaying tumor progression in mice with colorectal cancer with the KRAS gene mutation333
- Enhanced the effect of virus-mediated cell killing in colorectal cancer cells while protecting normal colon cells334
- Alternate-day fasting inhibited tumor growth in mice without causing weight loss.335
- Note cautions on the Intermittent Fasting page.
Manipulative and Body-Based Methods
Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture
- Reduced average tumor size and other indicators of cancer using nanoporous needles in animals (needles that have micro/nano-scale pores on their surface)336
Therapies Using Heat, Sound, Light or Cutting-edge Radiotherapy
- Local or regional hyperthermia:
- Improved overall survival time of patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer compared to chemotherapy alone337
- "Excellent survival outcomes in optimally selected patients" with colorectal cancer who have peritoneal metastases treated with systemic chemotherapy, then cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (CRS-HIPEC). Both oxaliplatin and mitomycin C had comparable effectiveness when given in the intraperitoneal cavity. (Report on a presentation at the ESMO 22nd World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer)338
- Greater rates of complete response and regression of the primary tumor339
- No improved survival and an increased risk of adverse events in colorectal cancer patients when adding HIPEC to cytoreductive surgery compared with receiving cytoreductive surgery alone340
- Whole-body hyperthermia:
- Improved response to chemotherapy and potentially improved survival341
Managing Side Effects and Promoting Wellness
Inflammation and Side EffectsAs integrative oncologist and BCCT advisor Keith Block, MD, explains: Inflammation can bring on cachexia—the severe wasting syndrome common among patients with solid tumors—and, especially, metastases. Cachexia, which is particularly common in cancers of the pancreas, colon and lung, can lead to the rapid breakdown of muscle, including the heart muscle.342 Inflammation is associated with cachexia,343 as inflammatory cytokines cause reduced appetite and abnormal metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All this leads to loss of muscle and weight.344 |
Side effects of the cancer and of treatments can dramatically impact your quality of life. A 2009 review summarizes: “Although issues and symptoms were most prominent during the first three years, long-term effects of treatment can persist and include fatigue, sleep difficulty, fear of recurrence, anxiety, depression, negative body image, sensory neuropathy, gastrointestinal problems, urinary incontinence, and sexual dysfunction.”345 Therapies that address side effects can greatly improve your well-being and improve life for you and your caregivers.
Conventional Treatments
Pulsed low-dose rate radiation therapy (PLDR-RT) delivers conventional radiation doses in pulses of small doses with intermittent pauses. A small study involved PLDR-RT for rectal and other cancers of the pelvis. Of the 50 percent of patients who reported pain at the local site before treatment, 68 percent reported an improvement in pain after PLDT-RT.346
Natural Products
Group 1: Good clinical evidence of efficacy & safety, easy access
These therapies may be widely used in integrative cancer protocols and traditional medical systems.
Therapy | Notes |
Astragalus |
Curcumin |
The effects of ginger in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
L-glutamine, also known as glutamine |
Melatonin |
Omega-3 fatty acid supplements The effects of omega-3s in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Probiotics |
Group 2: Good clinical evidence of efficacy & safety, limited access
Some may require a prescription, for example.
Therapy | Notes |
Medical cannabis and cannabinoids |
Group 3: Limited clinical evidence of efficacy but good safety, used in leading integrative programs
Therapy | Notes |
Glutathione |
Magnesium (About Herbs) Evidence regarding magnesium in your diet is listed above in Eating Well. |
Mistletoe (European) |
N-acetylcysteine (About Herbs) |
Group 4: Potential significant benefit, but either limited clinical evidence of efficacy or significant cautions
May be used in leading integrative oncology programs. Therapies in this group may need more medical oversight and surveillance.
Therapy | Notes |
Combinations of therapies |
Curcumin |
Fermented wheat germ extract | |
L-carnosine (WebMD) |
Selenium supplements |
Vitamin B supplements |
Vitamin C (intravenous) |
Vitamin E supplementation |
Group 5 Especially promising preclinical or emerging clinical evidence of efficacy and safety
Therapy | Notes |
Aged garlic extract (CAM Cancer) The effects of garlic in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Grape seed extract |
L-glycine (Healthline) |
Off-label, Overlooked or Novel Cancer Approaches (ONCAs)
These therapies have exciting potential and/or proven benefits. However, some carry higher risks of side effects, interactions with other treatments and other adverse medical events than other therapies we review. Cautions are noted with each therapy, and we strongly urge you to consult your doctor before using these therapies—even over-the-counter drugs—for cancer treatment. We also note whether a prescription is needed or if a therapy is not widely available.
Group A: Good clinical evidence of efficacy
May be used in integrative protocols and programs
Therapy | Notes |
Chronomodulated therapies |
Metformin |
Group B: Limited clinical evidence of efficacy
May be used in integrative protocols and programs
Therapy | Notes |
Aspirin (WebMD) |
Bisphosphonates (Cancer Research UK) |
Cimetidine (Tagamet HB) |
Statins |
Diets and Metabolic Therapies
- Reduced chemotherapy-related fatigue, weakness, and gastrointestinal side effects while fasting without impairing the effect of chemotherapy460
- Increased protection against stressors including toxics in patients who fasted for 48 hours or longer around the time of platinum-based chemotherapy461
- Limited weight loss and toxicity to the heart and cardiovascular system related to chemotherapy462
- Reduced DNA damage in white blood cells (leukocytes) in patients who fasted for 48 hours or longer around the time of platinum-based chemotherapy463
- Noteworthy preclinical evidence:
- Protected mice against irinotecan side effects464
- Protected normal cells from the toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs while sensitizing cancer cells to the treatment465
- Reduced suppression of immune function and mortality caused by chemotherapy and promoted regenerative effects on stem cells in cell and animal studies466
- Note cautions on our Intermittent Fasting page.
- Used in the Block program for colorectal cancer467
For people having significant side effects—especially gastrointestinal—from chemotherapy, naturopathic oncologist and BCCT advisor Lise Alschuler recommends fasting for 48 hours, from after dinner on the day before chemotherapy, through the day of chemo and the day following. This can be a water fast (which includes coconut water and vegetable broths), or you can eat up to 600 calories per day of vegetable soup and/or low-carb vegetables. She stresses the importance of your being motivated to fast for success, and also that fasting during chemotherapy should be cleared with your treating oncologist. You should modify or stop the fast if you become dizzy or weak (in which case you can try adding boiled eggs or nuts), or if you feel worse than if you had eaten.
Mind-Body, Spiritual and Consciousness-changing Approaches
- Relaxation with guided imagery can reduce anxiety, pain and narcotic use following colorectal surgery and increase patient satisfaction.468
- More effects of guided imagery with cancer in general are described on our Guided Imagery page.
Manipulative and Body-Based Methods
Acupuncture and electroacupuncture
- Improved peripheral nerve symptoms and function, lowered incidence of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, and reduced the need to for symptom mitigation in small studies469
- Reduced reported pain and toxicity to nerves from chemotherapy, and improved quality of life in an uncontrolled pilot study of ultrasound acupuncture;470 a related clinical trial is investigating the effectiveness and safety with colorectal cancer patients471
- Enhanced the effectiveness of ondansetron in reducing nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention and diarrhea, reduced length of hospital stay and improved wellness in patients receiving hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy after surgery472
Reducing Risk
Reducing the risk of developing cancer or the risk of recurrence
Risk Factors
These factors increase risk of colorectal cancer:473
- Inflammation
- Abnormal blood glucose (glycemia)
- Increasing age
- Family history of colorectal cancer
- Race, with African-Americans at increased risk
- History of abdominal radiation
- Diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance
- Moderate or severe famine before adulthood in women
- Metabolic syndrome, defined by having several of these conditions:474
- Increased blood pressure
- High blood sugar
- Excess body fat around the waist
- Abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels
Creating Healthy Habits: Lifestyle Associations
The role of the 7 Healing Practices in reducing risk is described above. Further lifestyle choices also relate to your risk of colorectal cancer:475
- Body fat/obesity, including high body mass index (BMI) early in life, especially in men. Risk increases 2 to 3 percent with each increased unit of BMI. Even among people considered of normal weight and not overweight (BMI < 25), increased body fat was associated with increased risk of colon cancer, but only in men).476 Obesity is also associated with worse cancer outcomes, such as higher risk of recurrence of the primary cancer or mortality.
- Drinking two or more alcoholic drinks daily increases risk of developing colorectal cancer, especially among men. Moderate alcohol consumption (2-3 drinks) increases risk 20 percent, and higher consumption may increase risk up to 50 percent.
- Smoking tobacco increases risk of colorectal and other cancers; risk increases with the amount of smoking, similar to alcohol consumption.
- Night shift work is correlated with a 30 percent or higher increased risk of colorectal cancer.
- Combination hormone-replacement therapy in women decreases risk, but must be weighed against other health risks associated with use. Colorectal cancers found in women taking hormone therapy after menopause may be at a more advanced stage.
Natural Products
Group 1: Good clinical evidence of efficacy & safety, easy access
These therapies may be widely used in integrative cancer protocols and traditional medical systems.
Therapy | Notes |
Calcium supplements (About Herbs) Evidence regarding calcium in your diet is listed above in Eating Well. |
Magnesium supplements (About Herbs) Evidence regarding magnesium in your diet is listed above in Eating Well. |
Vitamin B supplements |
Group 3: Limited clinical evidence of efficacy but good safety, used in leading integrative programs
Therapy | Notes |
Combination therapies | |
Curcumin |
The effects of drinking tea are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Multivitamin supplements | |
Omega-3 fatty acid supplements The effects of omega-3s in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Probiotics |
Resveratrol | |
Vitamin D |
Vitamin E supplements |
Group 4: Potential significant benefit, but either limited clinical evidence of efficacy or significant cautions
May be used in leading integrative oncology programs. Therapies in this group may need more medical oversight and surveillance.
Therapy | Notes |
Fermented wheat germ extract |
Selenium |
Group 5: Especially promising preclinical or emerging clinical evidence of efficacy and safety
Other therapies with preclinical evidence only for reducing risk
Therapy | Notes |
Astragalus and other saponins |
Combinations of therapies |
The effects of ginger in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Grape seed extract |
Group 6: Evidence of no efficacy or may be dangerous
Therapy | Notes |
Aged garlic extract (CAM Cancer) The effects of garlic in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Beta-carotene supplements (About Herbs) The effects of foods containing beta-carotene are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Increased risk of colorectal adenoma and overall mortality in the general population562 |
Folic acid (About Herbs) | No convincing evidence of reduced risk of colorectal cancer or adenomas in average-risk or high-risk populations; one randomized controlled trial found an increase in advanced adenomas with use563 |
Off-label, Overlooked or Novel Cancer Approaches (ONCAs)
Group A: Good clinical evidence of efficacy
May be used in integrative protocols and programs
Therapy | Notes |
Aspirin |
Bisphosphonates (Cancer Research UK) |
Metformin |
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) other than aspirin (MedicineNet) |
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) ( Examples include pioglitazone (Actos) and rosiglitazone (Avandia) |
Group B: Limited clinical evidence of efficacy
May be used in integrative protocols and programs
Therapy | Notes |
Artesunate |
Optimizing Your Terrain
Cytokines, Inflammation and OutcomesCytokines are proteins with a complex relationship to your immune system and sleep cycles. If your circadian rhythm is disrupted by an external change in the light-dark cycle—such as by night-shift work or staying awake late at night—your immune cells produce a heightened inflammatory response driven in part by cytokine release.599 In patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, higher levels of inflammatory cytokines were linked to disrupted rest/activity circadian rhythms. Higher cytokine levels were associated with poorer response to chronochemotherapy (chemotherapy timed by circadian rhythms), poorer survival, increased fatigue and loss of appetite.600 Therapies that reduce inflammation and promote more typical sleep-activity rhythms may impact cytokine release and improve outcomes. |
Creating an environment within your body that does not support cancer development, growth or spread
See Body Terrain and the Tumor Microenvironment.
Natural Products
Therapy | Notes |
Garlic cupplements, including aged garlic extract (CAM Cancer) The effects of garlic in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Astragalus and other saponins | |
Combinations of therapies
Curcumin |
Fermented wheat germ extract | |
Ginger |
L-glutamine, also known as glutamine |
Grape seed extract | |
The effects of drinking tea are discussed above in Eating Well. |
L-carnosine (WebMD) | Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory653 |
L-glycine (Healthline) |
The effects of omega-3s in your diet are discussed above in Eating Well. |
Probiotics | |
Turkey tail mushrooms or extracts | |
Vitamin C |
Vitamin E supplements |
Off-label, Overlooked or Novel Cancer Approaches (ONCAs)
Therapy | Notes |
Aspirin |
Bisphosphonates (Cancer Research UK) (Clodronate liposomes) | |
Cimetidine (Tagamet HB) |
Copper chelation with tetrathiomolybdate (TM) and other substances | |
Metformin | |
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) other than aspirin |
Rapamycin (sirolimus) |
Statins |
Other Therapies
Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture
- Electroacupuncture during laparoscopic radical rectectomy for rectal cancer decreased markers of inflammation after surgery.687
- Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory688
- Altered growth factors and metabolite levels, reducing the capability of cancer cells to adapt and survive;689 similar effects can be achieved with a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD)690
- Promoted cell self-clearing (autophagy); similar effects can be achieved with a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD)691
Your Microbiome and Colorectal Cancer
Antibiotic Use and Colorectal CancerAntibiotics can dramatically alter your microbiome. More frequent or oral antibiotic use was linked to a 17% increased risk of colon cancer but a reduced risk of rectal cancer (mostly among women) in a very large observational study.692 In a separate very large study, the increased risk was evident even with minimal use or with use 10 or more years prior to diagnosis, and risk was strongest with antibiotics with anti-anaerobic effects.693 “When asked about the difference between the apparent impact of antibiotic use on the risk of cancer in the colon when compared to the rectum, [senior author Cynthia] Sears commented, ‘We think these differences highlight the differences in biology and likely the microbiome between these two cancer sites. Hence we hypothesize that antibiotics impact disease at these sites differently.’”694 |
We know that lifestyle factors and your gut microbiome interact to influence the development and progression of colorectal cancer. We are not yet clear on exactly how this plays out in people or what we can do to manipulate the microbiome favorably. We know that diet influences the microbial community in the gut. Researchers think the interaction between diet and gut microbiota influences colorectal cancer development by changing your metabolism and immune system.695 Evidence supports these assertions:
- A high-fat diet is bad news for gut health, as it produces secondary bile acids. These acids change the microbiome, resulting in increased oxidation and inflammation that damage colon cells.696
- Beneficial bacteria in the gut are needed to process and create essential nutrients by fermenting dietary fiber and producing butyrate. These microbial processes provide energy to colon cells and promote protective immune system effects. Adequate dietary fiber is thus essential for a healthy interplay between the gut microbiome, colon cells and immunity.697 Lower levels of butyrate-producing bacteria are associated with the presence of colorectal cancer.698
- Impacts of a healthy microbiome with colorectal cancer include these:699
- A healthy gut microbiome appears to support the anticancer action of the chemotherapy drug oxaliplatin.
- Bacteria in the genus Bifidobacterium are crucial to optimizing the anticancer action of ligand 1 drugs (PD 1 checkpoint inhibitors), which activate the immune system to attack tumors.
- Gut microbes can prevent reactivation of drug metabolites that can damage the intestines and cause diarrhea related to drugs such as camptothecin.
- Microbial species in the intestines can impact inflammation.
People with colorectal cancer have less diverse gut bacteria, with reduced levels of Bifidobacterium, Clostridium, Faecalibacterium and Roseburia, for instance. Harmful species including Escherichia coli, E. faecalis, F. nucleatum, and Streptococcus gallolyticus also tend to be present in colorectal cancer patients.700 For example, enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis [ETBF], which produces toxins in the digestive tract, is associated with a greater number of early-stage carcinogenic lesions and increased risk of colorectal cancer.701
Probiotics, Prebiotics and Synbiotics
Probiotics are living microorganisms (bacteria and some yeasts) that can provide health benefits that go beyond basic nutrition, such as supporting gut and immune health and keeping the gut microbiota in balance. Examples of probiotic foods are yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh and kimchi. Probiotics must be consumed in sufficient numbers to be effective.
Prebiotics are dietary fibers that feed the friendly bacteria in your gut. Most prebiotics are soluble fiber substances like inulin, found in foods like bananas, onions, jerusalem artichokes, jicama, garlic and others, plus chicory root. Your helpful bacteria turn inulin and other fibers into energy for the colon cells and create protective immunity. Inulin is increasingly being added to a number of processed foods and probiotic supplements.
Synbiotics contain prebiotics and probiotics together.
Use of pre- and probiotics can reduce some symptoms and side effects of cancer treatments and can improve the gut microbiome and impact inflammation as described above.
See our Probiotics summary for more information.
Surgery and Colorectal Cancer
Key Points: Surgery and Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer treatment often includes surgery. The surgery may provide long-term benefit regarding cancer outcomes, but risks and complications are also relatively commonplace. We provide a brief overview of issues and integrative approaches surrounding colorectal cancer surgery. General information about surgery with cancer is available on our Integrative Approaches to Surgery page.
Clinical Practice Guidelines
For Healthcare Professionals: Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS)ERAS is an approach focusing on counselling before surgery, optimizing nutrition, standardizing approaches to pain relief and getting you (the patient) moving and on your feet following surgery. It draws from several modalities, such as nutrition, medication, movement and counseling.702 In patients undergoing extensive pelvic dissection, ERAS can improve recovery, reduce the rate of complications and reduce the length of hospital stay following surgery. ERAS also provides early warning for later complications.703 See a discussion of ERAS protocols and outcomes: Enhanced recovery after rectal surgery: what we have learned so far and Consensus review of optimal perioperative care in colorectal surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) group recommendations. ERAS includes returning to eating by mouth after surgery as soon as practical, with several benefits:704
Being informed and engaged is key to optimal nutrition following surgery. Optimal nutrition also improves your body terrain factors:
Guidelines for patients from the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society:707
- Recommendations before hospital admission:
- Stop smoking at least four weeks before surgery to reduce problems with breathing and wound healing
- Engage in a prehab activity program (see below) to promote quicker recovery of function and fewer complications, especially if you are less fit
- Recommendations before surgery:
- Avoid sedatives such as benzodiazepines if possible; taper a withdrawal if needed.708 Also, see Integrative Approaches and Surgery for a list of supplements to stop taking before surgery.
- Recommendations following surgery:
- When you are allowed to eat, choose healthier foods from the menu. See Integrative Approaches and Surgery for examples of healthy eating when recovering from surgery.
- If prescribed, use oral nutritional supplements from the day of surgery or as directed by your doctor.
- Move as much as comfortable, including getting on your feet as soon as you can.
The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons and Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons provide guidelines for the surgical team: Clinical practice guidelines for enhanced recovery after colon and rectal surgery from the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons and Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons.709
Prehab and Surgical Outcomes
Prehabilitation (prehab), “the process of enhancing physical fitness before an operation to enable the patient to withstand the stress of surgery,” can reduce several risk factors for surgical complications, including malnutrition, anxiety and depression, and may also help to manage uncontrolled conditions or comorbidities, including glycemia, diabetes, hypertension and anemia.710
Prehab may include exercise training, counseling and oversight regarding nutrition, and strategies for coping with anxiety and distress. See information about nutrition in the Nutrition and Surgery section of our Integrative Approaches and Surgery page. Information about managing anxiety before surgery is in the Managing Anxiety before Surgery section of that page.
Nutritional guidelines for patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer:711
- Meet your energy requirements: One in four colorectal cancer patients has elevated metabolism (hypermetabolism), even those with good physical status. Hypermetabolism is linked to negative energy balance, weight loss, systemic inflammation and decreased ability to function in daily activities. Common formulas for determining energy requirements are not accurate in this situation. Work with your care team to use indirect calorimetry with adjustments for additional exercise and physical activity, which is more helpful.
- A high-protein diet, modified for those with kidney disease
- Meals should be balanced in this ratio
- Two servings of starches
- One of high-protein sources
- Two of vegetables
- Follow basic healthy dietary suggestions before surgery. See Eating Well, following further recommendations from your healthcare providers for your specific condition.
Surgical Factors Associated with Increased Recurrence Risk
Even though surgery is a routine treatment for solid tumors, surgery itself can promote the development of metastasis by releasing tumor cells into circulation, suppressing important immune defenses such as your cellular immune system and and promoting the development of blood vessels to supply tumors (angiogenesis).712
Type of Surgery: Open or Laparoscopic
The type of surgery—whether open surgery or laparoscopic surgery—has a great impact on the resulting inflammation—greater than the choice of anesthetic and pain management techniques (epidural versus intravenous analgesia).
Surgery initiates a local inflammatory response, starting with the incision, which the body interprets as a wound. Circulating tumor cells are drawn to wounds, infection sites and tissue trauma, setting up a microenvironment in distant organs conducive to the survival and growth of tumor cells. This is called a premetastatic niche. In addition, systemic inflammation—such as in metabolic syndrome, chronic stress response or chronic insomnia—also creates a microenvironment supportive to tumors.
The more extensive the surgery, the greater your inflammatory response. More extensive surgery could tip the stress-inflammatory response in the direction of metastasis even when the primary tumor is successfully removed. The wound-healing process can release immune system chemicals known to promote tumor growth.713 In fact, abdominal/pelvic surgery is associated with metastasis across the peritoneal cavity.714
It would seem that laparoscopic surgery reduces this potential. However, a small study in Europe found no significant difference in recurrence or survival between open and laparoscopic surgery in patients undergoing surgery with chemo-irradiated rectum tumors. The length of the follow-up period was not specified.715 Much more evidence is needed.
Surgical Conditions
Mild low body temperature (hypothermia) worsens the suppression of your immune response from abdominal surgery.716 Hypothermia may impair your immune system’s ability to stop infection and kill cancer cells. Maintaining your body temperature during surgery will reduce your risk of immune suppression.
Use of blood transfusion products can cause suppression of your immune response and increase your risk of recurrence.717 Blood transfusion using your own blood (autologous transfusion) may reduce your risk of recurrence.718
Patient Condition at the Time of Surgery
Your stress level and other characteristics around the time of surgery can affect your immune system and may increase your risk of recurrence:
- Your surgical stress response subdues your immune system’s ability to stop infection and kill cancer cells, increasing the likelihood that cancer cells will travel and lead to metastasis.719
- Your stress level can act to suppress your immune system separate from your surgical stress response. Higher levels of stress are linked to greater suppression of the immune system after surgery, including natural killer cells and the response of antitumor T cells.720
- Your physical condition: lower fitness for surgery—such as measured by a high Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the Enumeration of Mortality and Morbidity (POSSUM)—and a high systemic inflammatory response before surgery predict early disease recurrence after a potentially curative resection for colorectal cancer.721
- Your mood (anxiety and/or depression) can depress your immunity.722
Reducing Factors around the Time of Surgery that Increase Recurrence Risk
Delaying Surgery and SurvivalDelaying surgery may lead to poorer survival, according to a systematic review. Conclusions from the review:723
Combined use of the beta blocker propranolol and the anti-inflammatory etodolac for five days before surgery has been used safely to reduce metastases and mortality. However, this combination may not be safe in patients with asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, bleeding risk, GI ulcers or low blood pressure.724
Taking precautions to prevent blood clots, neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) and low oxygen levels (hypoxia) may reduce recurrence after surgery.725
See these pages for suggestions for managing stress or anxiety before and after surgery:
Surgical Complications and Infections
Surgical ComplicationsColorectal cancer surgery can involve several possible complications:726 During surgery:
After surgery:
Infections and complications of surgery not only make recovery more difficult, they may impact your cancer outcomes and even your survival (see sidebar).727
Colorectal surgery is invasive and disrupts the equilibrium of your gut microbiome—the microbes in your gut. A microbial imbalance can impair the function of your local immune response, promote systemic inflammation, and potentially lead to infection following surgery.728 Perhaps due to the large number of bacteria present in the colon and rectum, the number of surgical site infections in patients undergoing colorectal surgery is high—up to 26 percent.
Complications can reduce survival through several routes:
- Infection increases inflammation, which is associated with increased risk of local recurrence and cancer spread.
- Complications can delay chemotherapy treatment, which may lead to poorer outcomes.729
- Complications of surgery—especially anastomotic leaks (where colon sections are joined)—can lead to longer hospital stays and increased risk for hospital-acquired complications, as well as increased risks of readmission, of reoperations and of mortality.730
- Complications following surgery that decrease survival and increase recurrence risk:731
- Anastomotic leakage
- Pneumonia
- Bowel obstruction/ileus
- Infection at the surgical site
- Postoperative bleeding
- Urinary tract infection
- Fistula (an abnormal connection between two body parts)
Factors Increasing Risk of Infection and Other Complications
Can Be Influenced or Controlled | Cannot Be Influenced |
Factors Not Increasing Risk | |
- Obesity, smoking, glycemia, hypertension, diabetes, anemia-compromised immunity or inflammation, and patient age 65 or older are each linked to increased wound complications following surgery.732 In elective surgery in overweight patients, weight loss before surgery is recommended, as is correction of anemia with iron, vitamin B12 and folate supplementation as needed, such as for pernicious anemia.733
- Malnutrition is linked to a greater chance of surgical complications, longer hospital stay, less tolerance of other cancer treatments, higher risk of death and higher health-care costs.734
- Surgeons with more experience as well as hospitals with higher numbers of colorectal surgery patients are associated with fewer complications and, in some studies, lower risk of recurrence and higher survival.735
- Anxiety and depression before surgery negatively affect wound healing, your risks of infection and a longer hospital stay, and your ability to adhere to your medical treatment plan.736
- A 2016 meta-analysis found that radiation therapy before radical rectal cancer surgery didn’t increase risk of wound complications.737 However, some evidence shows increased risk of infection and other complications such as anastomotic leakage with chemoradiotherapy before surgery.738
- Men are at higher risk than women of anastomotic leaks with rectal cancer surgery.739
- The current standard to reduce infection risk is called mechanical bowel preparation (MBP, giving oral medicine to clear feces from the intestines) plus prophylactic antibiotics. Some research has suggested that MBP doesn’t improve infection outcomes and may cause greater harm because it is often poorly tolerated.740
- Low skeletal muscle mass and density were associated with longer hospital stays and higher risks of postsurgical complications, and both short-term and long-term mortality.741
Preventing Surgical Complications
Reducing the risk of complications: what you and your surgeon can do
Anastomotic LeaksAnastomotic leaks—occurring at the place where colon sections are joined after a section is removed— can lead to other problems such as longer hospital stays; higher risks of readmission, reoperations or mortality; and a worse quality of life. Patients who have anastomotic leaks following cancer operations also have a higher risk of distant recurrence and long delays in receiving indicated adjuvant (supplemental) chemotherapy. Recognized or proposed risk factors include these (also see the discussion below of pain control and surgical outcomes):742
Interventions for the surgical team to reduce the incidence of anastomotic leaks:743
Interventions for patients:
What You Can Do
- First, find out how much time you can take before surgery to develop a plan and prepare for surgery.
- Preparing your body
- Discuss which risk factors you can improve before surgery and come up with a plan of actions to take. Actions may include controlling hypertension, stress, hyperglycemia and other conditions, or stopping smoking
- Consider incorporating stress management practices in the weeks leading up to surgery. Many patients find imagery practices specific to preparing for surgery to be helpful. See Managing Stress, Stress, Mind-Body Approaches and Guided Imagery.
- In addition to effective stress management practices, use emotional support, counselling and pre-surgery medication as appropriate to help reduce preoperative psychological stress.
- If you typically clean an animal litter box or bird cage, find someone else to clean it before and for several weeks after your surgery.
- Optimizing your surgical context:
- Check postoperative infection rates for the hospital where your surgery will be performed at—Hospital Compare. While individual surgeon complication rates are available for many types of surgery, they are not published for breast surgery. Having said that, infection rates tend to be higher on average with less-experienced surgeons (a pretty good rule of thumb for having good experience is to consider surgeons who have done at least four per month of your specific type of surgery for five years).
- Inform your surgical team of any supplements, herbs or other therapies you’re using prior to surgery.
- If you have financial or social barriers to good pre- and postsurgical care, ask to be referred to an oncology social worker or oncology navigator for assistance.
- Schedule your surgery as an ambulatory procedure rather than as an inpatient hospital stay, if possible.
- Discuss your options for anesthesia, post-surgical pain control (see more about ERAS protocols above) and the steps in the column at right with your surgical team at the pre-op visit.
- Immediately before surgery:
- Avoid presurgical dehydration.
- See if you can postpone surgery if you develop a cold, flu, pneumonia or other infection shortly before scheduled surgery.
- After surgery
- Before leaving the hospital, be sure you (and anyone who will be assisting you at home) fully understand and follow all wound care instructions carefully. Call your physician immediately if you show any signs of infection—an increase of redness, swelling, pain or discharge from your wound.
- Avoid contact with soil for two or more weeks after surgery.
- Consult an integrative physician or licensed naturopath (preferably one who is certified in oncology) to recommend approaches to maintain healthy immune function to improve your wound healing and reduce your risk of infection.
- In the weeks following your surgery, if you need a medical procedure that may introduce bacteria to the body, check with your surgeon about using antibiotics to prevent infection.
What Your Surgeon Can Do
- Assess all choices and optimize risk factors, including patient characteristics and their status of adjuvant therapy, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
- Because half of infections occur more than 30 days after a procedure, implement a plan for follow-up care, including appointments and phone calls.
- Reduce suppression of the immune system induced by surgery and anesthesia:744
- Use regional anesthesia and IV propofol as the primary anesthetic when possible
- Provide adequate pain control throughout the surgical experience while minimizing the use of opioids such as morphine, oxycodone or codeine.
- Avoid opioids during or after surgery by using an intravenous propacetamol and anti-inflammatories such as ketorolac while in the hospital and then using oral anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or naproxen after discharge.
- Avoid hypothermia by maintaining core body temperature devices such as fluid warmers and external body warmers.
- Remove catheters and drains as soon as possible.
- Use antibiotic prophylaxis.
HA/CMC film adhesion barrier: A hyaluronic acid/carboxymethylcellulose (HA/CMC) film adhesion barrier can reduce adhesion formation, but a multicenter study found its use increased the risk of total adverse events and serious adverse events including excess body heat (hyperthermia), abscess in the pelvic area or incision site, urinary tract infection, urinary retention and ileus (bowel or intestinal blockage or paralysis).745
Infection and Treatment Outcomes
Infection may delay cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation, leading to less effective treatment and worse outcomes, including recurrence.746
Some evidence shows that radiochemotherapy before surgery for rectal cancer may increase risk of infection and other complications such as anastomotic leakage.747 However, a 2016 meta-analysis found that radiation therapy alone before radical rectal cancer surgery didn’t increase risk of short-term wound complications,748 although side effects and a decreased quality of life may prolong recovery from surgery.749 Because treatment decreases the risk of local recurrence (but without changing cancer survival outcomes or your risk of distant metastasis), both risks and benefits need to be considered with your oncology team.750
Preventing Infection
Laparoscopic surgery: Fewer wound-related complications, including infections and fever, were seen with laparoscopic surgery compared to open surgery in patients with chemo-irradiated rectum tumors. The need for transfusion was also lower with laparoscopic surgery.751
Taurolidine: Non-metastatic colon cancer patients undergoing surgery receiving taurolidine (ScienceDirect) showed reduced inflammation, lower risk of surgical site infection and possibly lower rates of recurrence two years after surgery.752
Antibiotics: Systemic ultra-short and short-term antibiotic preventive treatment (prophylaxis) before and during surgery reduces the risk of postsurgical infection. Some studies suggest giving both oral and intravenous (IV) antibiotics for greater effect. Oral, non-absorbable antibiotics may reduce risk not only of surgical site infection but also of anastomotic leak.753
However, prolonged antibiotic use, such as what might be required if an infection or anastomotic leak develops following surgery, may impair the function of your immune and neuroendocrine systems, increasing your risk of future infection and/or recurrence. Minimizing your risk of infection and thus reducing the need for prolonged use of antibiotics is important.
Prebiotics or probiotics: Some studies conclude that prebiotic or probiotic use around the time of surgery may reduce infections following surgery and help maintain the intestinal mucosal barrier, while other studies have shown no effect.754
Early mobilization—patient movement as much and as often as tolerable, including getting out of bed and walking—reduces the risk of pneumonia as well as surgery complications not related to infection, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), muscle loss and insulin resistance.755
A 2018 review concluded that these measures reduce surgical site infection after rectal surgery:756
- Antibiotic prophylaxis (see below)
- Preventing low body temperature (hypothermia)
- Hair removal
- Preventing high levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia)
Other proposed interventions:
- No fluid overload
- Skin preparation with chlorhexidine
- Double gloving or change of gloves and gowns before closing the fascia
- Lavage of subcutaneous tissue
- Silver dressing
Actions if You Develop an Infection
- Report symptoms of infection immediately to your surgeon and begin treatment promptly. If antibiotics are prescribed, take as directed.
- Eat well to maintain a healthy nutritional state. Consider consulting a board-certified oncology dietician for specific dietary recommendations.
- If antibiotics are prescribed, eat well and follow other practices to restore a healthy microorganism balance. See Eating Well, Mediterranean Diet and Your Microbiome.
- Consider consulting an integrative oncology specialist about additional measures to clear infection, help wound healing, control inflammation and minimize tissue scarring (fibrosis) from surgical wounds and/or from radiation therapy.
Pain Control
Sufficient pain control following surgery is essential to improve the quality of convalescence and speed up recovery.757 However, pain control methods vary considerably in their impact on surgery and cancer outcomes. Wise use of therapies to manage pain is extremely important to optimize both surgical and cancer outcomes.
Effectiveness of Pain Control Approaches
Drug-based Pain Management
- Opioid-based intravenous patient controlled analgesia: Compared to epidural analgesia in laparoscopic surgery, opioid-based intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV PCA) using fentanyl showed comparable pain control, faster return of bowel function, fewer overall complications, and shorter hospital stays, plus less need of drugs to maintain blood pressure.758
- Continuous surgical wound infiltration with local anesthetics used after laparoscopic colorectal surgery reported similar pain control efficacy as opioid-based IV PCA (above) in at least some patients.759
- Thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) was more effective than IV-PCA (see above) after open colorectal cancer surgery, with a better bowel function, dietary intake, patient satisfaction and early mobilization in a small trial.760
- Quadratus lumborum block (QLB) was more effective analgesia following surgery than the transversus abdominis plane block.761
- Transabdominus plane (TAP) blocks for anesthesia as part of an enhanced recovery program with laparoscopic and robotic-assisted colorectal cancer surgery reduced the length of hospital stay, use of narcotics following surgery and the time until the patient was walking and resumed bowel function.762
- A small pilot study investigated a multimodal pain management protocol (administered after induction anesthesia) in patients undergoing a laparoscopic resection of colorectal cancer. The protocol used a bilateral TAP block and local abdominal cavity infiltration with long-acting local anesthetic liposomal bupivacaine. Patients on this protocol required fewer opioids during surgery, had shorter stays in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), less pain following surgery, less use of narcotics and a shorter hospital stay compared to a group that received no block or local wound infiltration.763
- The COX 2 selective inhibitor parecoxib—a non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug—before surgical incision (compared to after incision) in colorectal cancer surgery reduced morphine use following surgery without affecting morphine-related side effects. Use before incision also reduced markers of inflammation.764
Non-drug Pain Management
- Acupuncture reduced the need for general anesthesia during rectal cancer surgery.765
- Transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation combined with transversus abdominis plane block (above): patients reported lower pain and lower opioid use following surgery than those receiving neither therapy.766
Also see our Integrative Approaches and Surgery page for further research on pain management in surgery for more cancer types and other settings.
Impact of Pain Control Methods on Surgical Outcomes
Non‐steroidal Anti‐inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
Use of non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and especially non‐selective NSAIDs, following surgery may increase your risk of anastomotic leakage. Non-selective NSAIDs include diclofenac, diflunisal, etodolac, fenoprofen, flurbiprofen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and ketoprofen.767 Diclofenac or celecoxib use was especially related to increased risk, as were higher doses of NSAIDs and starting use less than 48 hours after surgery.768
Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture
Use of acupuncture showed these benefits:
- Reduced time to first bowel sounds, first flatus and first defecation following surgery for colorectal cancer769
- Shorter fasting and time to peritoneal drainage tube withdrawal770
- Shorter hospital stay, shorter time to first flatus and shorter time to defecation among patients receiving both acupuncture and simo decoction (a traditional Chinese medicine) for five days following colorectal cancer resection771
Electroacupuncture impacts:
- Following laparoscopic surgery:
- Reduced duration of inability of the intestines to contract normally, which can lead to intestinal blockage blockage (ileus)772
- Reduced time to start walking (mobility)773
- Reduced use of pain relievers following laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer774
- Quicker recovery of gastrointestinal function with electroacupunture administered three times: one day and 30 minutes before surgery and one day after surgery; no improvement was reported with one or two electroacupuncture administrations775
Transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS) impacts:
A behavioral intervention—moving as soon as possible after surgery—reduced discomfort and the length of stay in the hospital.778
Opioids, Sedatives and Antidepressants
Adults undergoing colorectal resection who had used opioids, sedatives or antidepressants before surgery had higher rates of these outcomes compared to non-users:
- Ostomy creation
- Contaminated wound classification
- Prolonged operation time
- Transfusion following surgery
- Intra-abdominal infection
- Respiratory failure
- Longer hospital stays
- Increased 30-day morbidity and mortality
These patients also had lower fitness scores and more respiratory health issues than other patients.779
Impact of Pain Control Methods on Cancer Outcomes
Some approaches to managing pain may increase risks of suppressing your immune system and of cancer growth or recurrence.
Increased Risk of Immune Suppression and Possible Cancer Growth, Recurrence or Metastasis
General anesthesia: A small study of patients undergoing elective orthopedic surgery found a significant decrease of immune function using general anesthesia with fentanyl, thiopental and isoflurane.780
Regional anesthesia is favorable to general anesthesia―or even in addition to general anesthesia―for reducing inflammation, recurrence and metastasis in preliminary evidence.781
Volatile anesthetics: halothane, isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane are volatile inhaled anesthetics that suppress the immune system and play a role in promoting cancer growth, perhaps through several pathways.782
Mixed Results
Opioids: The relationship of opioid drugs and cancer outcomes is difficult to separate from the effects of pain. Some evidence shows that opioid drugs—including morphine and tramadol—suppress immune responses and can promote tumor progression. However, cell studies have found that morphine both promoted and reduced processes of cell death (apoptosis). A 2014 review concluded that “further work is required to elucidate the possible impacts of morphine in cancer patients.”783
Preliminary evidence shows that some opioids may be used for short periods without increasing risk of cancer mortality:
- A study found no differences in overall survival or disease-free survival at five years when comparing outcomes of using epidural, spinal block, or a morphine patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) for primary pain relief following surgery.784
- A small study compared the opioid fentanyl used as intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV PCA) to a regimen of local anesthetic wound infiltration-based analgesic and tramadol. “Rescue” analgesics were used: pethidine for the opioid group and ketorolac or propacetamol for the group receiving local anesthetic. The two approaches were comparable regarding immune function (natural killer cell cytotoxicity) and complications following surgery and recurrence or metastasis within one year after surgery.785
- Tramadol shows protective effects on immune function and reduced risks of recurrence and metastasis.786
- One study found use of opioids vs. use of local anesthetic did not affect cancer recurrence or metastasis for one year following surgery.787
Given that opiods may disrupt immune responses and function, preventing immune disruption may be warranted with use.
- Pretreatment with immunotherapy such as interferon may reduce some of the negative effects of opioids on your immune response, as suggested in animal studies.788
- If opioids are indicated, lower doses may disrupt your immune system function less than larger doses.789
- Substituting epidural analgesia for postoperative opioids may also improve outcomes.790
Treating pain after surgery with opioids hinders recurrence, even though opioids promote metastasis.791 A 2018 review of studies concludes “there is no conclusive evidence to avoid the use of opioids with the goal of reducing the risk of recurrence in colorectal cancer.”792
No Increased Risk or Reduced Risk
Non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- Use of NSAIDs at the time of surgery was associated with a reduced risk of cancer recurrence after resection for colorectal cancer. No effect was found on five-year mortality or disease-free survival.793 This benefit needs to be balanced with evidence of two increased risks with NSAID use:
- Risk for anastomotic leakage (see sidebar)
- Use of celecoxib (Celebrex) or indomethacin three days before surgery increased tumor infiltration, which could reduce cancer survival following tumor resection.794
- Aspirin use during chemoradiation therapy for rectal cancer before surgery was linked to better progression-free and overall survival.795
- One review found that NSAIDs may decrease tumor growth, with a link to longer recurrence-free survival. Effects for non-selective NSAIDs (aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen and others) were influenced by the timing and dosage of use.796 Another study found that selective NSAIDs (Celebrex/celecoxib and Mobic/meloxicam) have protective effects on immune function and reduce recurrence and metastasis risk.797
- Ketorolac use before surgery in animals prevented both inflammation and “surgery-induced dormancy escape,” a process that can lead to tumor growth and metastasis.798
- Use of aspirin after surgery is associated with decreased risk of recurrence and death in colorectal cancer.799
Recovery and Remission Maintenance
See Integrative Approaches and Surgery for general information about improving your body terrain to make your body less susceptible to infection, quicker to heal wounds and/or less favorable to cancer.
When you have finished treatment, your cancer treatment team should develop a survivorship plan with you, including these components to help you recover and prevent recurrence:
- Instructions and a schedule for follow-up visits
- Testing
- Guidance on lifestyle and other self-care practices
Post-Treatment Monitoring
The type of testing and monitoring used to assess your response to treatment and detect recurrence will depend on your specific cancer, treatment and risk for recurrence. A valid and reliable test to detect colorectal cancer recurrence early is still needed.
You and your medical team need to find balance with monitoring for colorectal cancer recurrence. Talk with your oncologist about your risk of recurrence and what type and frequency of monitoring is best for you:
- Have we done everything we know to do to treat the cancer?
- What type and frequency of monitoring is best for me?
- What are the monitoring tests and tools available?
The standard monitoring tests are typically are of two types:
- Radiographic scans (such as CAT scans) which involve the risks of significant radiation exposures. The more scans, the higher the risks.
- Measuring CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) and Ca 19-9 in the blood. Unfortunately, these biomarkers are not good at detecting recurrence.
Neither scans nor tests such as CEA give genetic information about the intrinsic characteristics of each tumor.800
Potential Upcoming Diagnostic Tests
Talk with your doctor about whether one of these new biomarker tests is available for you. Some integrative oncologists are using these new biomarker tests already, but these tests have not been recognized by conventional oncology as a standard in clinical practice.
ctDNA Testing
Blood tests measuring circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) have generated a lot of excitement and could be a new way to guide treatment decisions or as a trigger to look for residual disease or recurrence. These tests look for biomarkers of cancer recurrence, progression and resistance to therapy. Many potentially useful ctDNA markers are available. A 2019 review found ctDNA tests to be a sensitive and reliable measure of tumor burden.801 The American Society of Clinical Oncology—the main oncology society in the US—considers ctDNA testing promising, but stronger research is needed before it can be recommended for routine use in cancer care.
Measuring Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs)
Measuring circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the blood is another test under research and development.802 CTCs are cancer cells that break away from primary or metastatic tumors and enter the bloodstream; they are considered forerunners of metastasis. A 2019 study found that detecting CTCs with a fluid assisted separation technique (FAST) was promising as an early diagnosis tool and biomarker for prognosis in colorectal cancer patients.803 These reviews suggest that CTCs may assist your healthcare team in these tasks:
- Predict survival
- Monitor your response/resistance to treatment
- Assess minimal residual disease
- Find and assess distant metastasis
- Customize therapies in some cases
Even though many difficulties related to CTC testing remain—limiting its use in managing colorectal cancer—reviewers think that their clinical use in colorectal cancer is not far off.804
Eggs and Cancer
Integrative naturopathic oncologist and BCCT advisor Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO, and her colleague Karolyn Gazella advise people with risk for colon cancer to consider limiting egg intake to fewer than five eggs a week, while choosing eggs from free-roaming, organically fed chickens. They also advise boiling or poaching eggs, as these methods do not oxidize the yolk fat.805
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- Tebala GD, Gordon-Dixon A, Imtiaz M, Shrestha A, Toeima M. Enhanced recovery after rectal surgery: what we have learned so far. Mini-invasive Surgery. 2018;2:32.
- Tebala GD, Gordon-Dixon A, Imtiaz M, Shrestha A, Toeima M. Enhanced recovery after rectal surgery: what we have learned so far. Mini-invasive Surgery. 2018;2:32.
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