Site Map and Overview
Highlighted VideoBCCT Senior Researcher Laura Pole, RN, MSN, walks you through the BCCT site. |
Welcome to Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies.
We are continuously improving BCCT. It's taken intense effort since 2016 to get this far. We have plans to add more complementary cancer therapy summaries and integrative cancer handbooks.
It will take time for BCCT to reach its full potential. We need your help. We welcome your comments and we welcome your financial support to sustain this independent voice for integrative cancer therapies.
With gratitude,
Michael Lerner
Site Organization
Guidance at Each StepAlso see a handout we use in presentations about BCCT: Navigating BCCT by Stages on the Cancer Path In this video, BCCT Senior Researcher Laura Pole, RN, MSN, demonstrates how to navigate BCCT by stages on the cancer path using this document. |
Where to Begin
Here we cover many common questions and concerns. This area is especially helpful if you are newly diagnosed.
Integrative Cancer Care
Here we explore integrative cancer care. We provide context for choosing therapies and approaches that best suit you.
Search Therapies
Searching therapies is at the heart of BCCT. Here you'll find detailed analysis of specific therapies. You'll find what research shows regarding their use, benefits, risks, side effects, and much more. You can search therapies according to your general cancer type, symptoms and needs.
Cancers and Side Effects
Here you will find:
- A brief summary of the types of cancer that we address on this site
- A list of most cancer types and the labels we use in our database
- Help managing the symptoms and side effects of cancer and treatments
Blog, Stories and Resources
Personal stories are at the heart of healing work. You'll find some wonderful stories here in addition to our blog posts.
Here you'll also find resources that you might find helpful. You'll also find places and forums where you can connect with others who share similar experiences.
Clinics, Centers and Clinicians
Information about NCI-designated cancer centers, plus directories of providers and more on our Clinics, Centers and Clinicians page
About BCCT
We tell you about us. We describe our intention. We introduce our staff and advisors. And we list our principle funding partners to date.
Other Pages
- COVID-19
- Get Help: Request personal assistance navigating this site, or volunteer to help others
- Centers and Clinics
- For Healthcare Professionals: Find perspectives on integrative cancer care, plus topics and pages you might find useful
- Caring for Caregivers: Find perspectives, topics and pages that caregivers might find helpful
- Glossary: Brief definitions of terms and acronyms used on the BCCT site, plus a quick reference for interpreting study results
- Contact Us, including a link to open and print a tri-fold brochure
- Donate
Search Box
A search box in the upper right corner of each page searches the entire site for words or phrases. To search for an exact phrase, enclose it in quotation marks.
Page Sections
These sections are included on pages where they are appropriate:
Icon navigation: blue icons such as the one at right can be found across the top of many pages; these are quick links to major page sections
- Key Points: A quick overview of the main points on a page
- A personal note: Introducing the topic, noted in italics
- Treating the Cancer: How this therapy works against cancer growth or spread, improving survival, or working with other treatments or therapies to improve their anticancer action
- Managing Side Effects and Promoting Wellness: How this therapy manages or relieves side effects or symptoms, reduces treatment toxicity, supports quality of life or promotes general well-being
- Reducing Risk: How this therapy reduces the risk of developing cancer or the risk of recurrence
- Optimizing Your Terrain: How this therapy creates an environment within your body that does not support cancer development, growth or spread
- Look Deeper: A more intense look into the science behind a topic
- Access: Where you can find this therapy
- Cautions: Side effects, risks, interactions with other therapies and treatments, and other cautions regarding use
- Dosing: General information about how much, when, and how to use this therapy, plus where you can find specific recommendations
- Integrative Programs, Protocols and Medical Systems: Which of these include this therapy
- Commentary: What BCCT advisors and other experts say about this topic; this text may be in italics to distinguish it from the more objective content of our pages.
- Non-cancer Uses: What else this therapy is used for
- More Information: Resources outside this website
- Related Pages: Related information elsewhere on this site
- Blog Posts: Posts that are related to this topic
- News Items: News related to this topic
- Personal Stories: Stories from BCCT friends that are related to this topic
- Read More: Text blocks hidden from view to allow you to scan topics on a page without having to scroll past volumes of text. You can choose whether to open and read these sections to dig a bit deeper on topics.
BCCT uses the FreeFind search engine.
Under Construction
Pages marked with this icon are under development. Look for more information on this topic in the coming months.
We welcome your comments.
More Information
- iThrive Plan: Podcast: Going Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies
- Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians: Webinar: Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies: An online resource for integrative cancer care
- BCCT: Navigating BCCT by Stages on the Cancer Path