Last updated June 25, 2019. |
Founded in Japan by Mokichi Okada and brought to the US in the early 1950s, Johrei is classified as a biofield energy healing technique involving a non-touch transfer of life energy.
The Johrei practitioner is motivated by goodwill and visualizes that healing light enters his/her body and passes through the healer's hands to the recipient.
Practitioners develop their healing ability through a life of spiritual practice rather than through formal training. The Johrei practitioner is motivated by goodwill and visualizes that healing light enters his/her body and passes through the healer's hands to the recipient.
The Johrei Institute is an international nonprofit organization governed by Johrei fellowships in Japan and North America. The Johrei Fellowship in North America lists their locations in the US and Canada and provides information on how one can learn to practice Johrei.1
Clinical Practice Guidelines
2009 evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for integrative oncology conclude that therapies based on a philosophy of bioenergy fields are safe and may provide some benefit for reducing stress and enhancing quality of life. Only limited evidence is available regarding their efficacy for symptom management, including reducing pain and fatigue. The Society for Integrative Oncology gives a strong recommendation for these therapies:2
- For reducing anxiety: grade 1B (strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence)
- For pain, fatigue, and other symptom management: grade 1C (strong recommendation, low- or very low-quality evidence)
Treating the Cancer
Working against cancer growth or spread, improving survival, or working with other treatments or therapies to improve their anticancer action
For a description and summary of research of Johrei’s use in cancer, see the Lutgendorf SK et al. chapter in Abrams & Weil's Integrative Oncology, 2nd Edition.
Lab and Animal Evidence
Johrei treatment increased cell death (apoptosis) and decreased proliferation of various cancer cell lines in one study,3 but no effect was found in another..4
Note: BCCT has not conducted a review of evidence on Johrei. Information on this page comes from the Johrei Institute and other sources at noted.
More Information
- Johrei Institute
- Lutgendorf SK, Mullen-Houser E, Deumic E. Energy Medicine in Cancer. Chapter 15 in Abrams DI, Weil AT. Integrative Oncology, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 2014.
- Johrei Fellowships in North America: Johrei Fellowship. For listings in Japan, visit The Johrei Institute.
- Clinical Trials: Find a Study: enter a specific cancer or other condition in the Condition or Disease box, then enter johrei in the Other Terms box
- Donald I. Abrams, MD, and Andrew T. Weil, MD: Integrative Oncology, 2nd Edition