How to Use This Site

July 9, 2018
Welcome to Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies. We hope you find this site useful to you.
The first thing to know is that this site is under development! It's taken two years of intense effort to get this far, but the subject is a very complicated one. There are hundreds of integrative cancer therapies worthy of consideration. So please bear with us—and please help us make BCCT better.
Second, we've designed BCCT so you can start anywhere and go anywhere. Our Search Therapies section is the strongest so far. It is where we are investing the most energy—in building up evidence-based or evidence-informed summaries on therapies that we believe merit consideration or that may not have much evidence but are in wide use.
Third, you will notice that we are still finding our voice—finding a way to talk with you that gives you the science and evidence you need but in a voice that is friendly and inviting. For that reason, we especially invite your comments—comments that we can consider for inclusion so we have different voices. We know that some of you are deeply expert in some of these therapies, or may help us evaluate and write up therapies we haven't covered yet. So please, we welcome your comments and we'll do our best to respond.
BCCT is a patient-centered site. We don't take money from either mainstream pharmaceutical companies or alternative therapy practitioners. We don't have an axe to grind for or against any of the therapies we evaluate. We are big believers in the benefit of conventional cancer therapies well and skillfully applied when they can make a difference in survival and/or life extension or quality of life.
At the same time, we know from over three decades of experience of thousands of patients who have joined us in the Commonweal Cancer Help Program that conventional cancer therapies address only some of the needs of people with cancer. Yet choosing the integrative therapies that complement or go beyond conventional therapies is a daunting task.
It will take time for BCCT to reach its full potential. We need your help. We welcome your comments and we welcome your financial support to sustain this independent voice for integrative cancer therapies.
With gratitude,
Michael Lerner
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