New Partnership: Helpsy Health and BCCT

April 6, 2020
Helpsy Health and Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies (BCCT) are excited to partner and pool resources to provide you practical, on-the-ground information that you can use in treating your cancer, managing side effects and symptoms, reducing risks and promoting health and resilience.
Helpsy Health is a unique 24/7 program for navigating symptoms. It supports 500 unique symptoms with more than 20,000 recommendations from more than 30 different healthcare modalities, from pharmaceutical treatments to natural products and supplements, mind-body approaches, nutrition and much more. All recommendations are backed by evidence-based research and science. The Helpsy app is highly customizable, allowing you to track treatments and your responses to them. Options for built-in reminders and access to an online nurse resource help you manage your side effects and symptoms to optimize your wellness.
BCCT provides balanced guidance, based on evidence, to help you make choices about integrating conventional and complementary approaches in your cancer care.
You'll find links to Helpsy Health and its app on BCCT's webpages related to cancer symptoms and treatment side effects. Look for and download the Helpsy Health app for guidance in managing symptoms and side effects.
Read more on the BCCT-Helpsy page.