
BCCT plans to write a summary on beta-carotene. While our summary is in development, you can visit About Herbs: Beta-Carotene

Before using this therapy, consult your oncology team about interactions with other treatments and therapies. Also make sure this therapy is safe for use with any other medical conditions you may have.

Practice Guidelines and Recommendations

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends against beta-carotene supplements for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or cancer.”1 2


Eating a well-rounded diet that includes sources of beta-carotene—such as from deep orange vegetables—is prudent. However, some evidence indicates that beta-carotene in supplement form is not as beneficial and in some cases may even be harmful. Consult with a knowledgeable clinician regarding the advisability of taking beta-carotene supplements for your specific cancer or symptoms.

Read more

Refer to About Herbs: Beta-Carotene for more information.


BCCT does not recommend therapies or doses, but only provides information for patients and providers to consider as part of a complete treatment plan. Patients should discuss therapies with their physicians, as contraindications, interactions and side effects must be evaluated.

Dosage recommendations are available from these sources:

Integrative Programs, Protocols and Medical Systems

For more information about programs and protocols, see our Integrative Programs and Protocols page.

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